What Exactly is Vitamin C? Simple Definition:

Vitamin C, often known as “ascorbic acid,” is an essential component that the human body requires. This water-soluble vitamin assists in the creation and maintenance of arterioles, scar tissue, and cartilage.
Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that may neutralize damaging free radicals and help to control infections and repair wounds. Collagen is a fibrous protein that is present in the connective tissue that is woven into many of the body’s systems, which include the nervous, immunological, bone, cartilage, blood, and others. The vitamin assists in the production of numerous hormones and signalling molecules that are important in the brain and nerves.

Kale, Kiwis, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Lemons, Lychees, American Persimmons, Papayas, Strawberries, and Oranges all contain vitamin C, water soluble solution.

What is Vitamin C’s Purpose in Our Lives? Why Do We Need It?

As our bodies cannot produce vitamin C on their own, we must obtain adequate ascorbic acid from food or other sources.

Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that may be found in a range of foods. We often think of citrus fruit as the finest source of vitamin C, but it may also be found in peppers, tomatoes, and cauliflower.

Vitamin C helps your immune system work at its optimum and protects you from free radical damage once it’s in your system. Furthermore, ascorbic acid is required for the production of collagen, a wonderful protein that aids in wound healing and keeps our skin looking fresh and gorgeous.

Scientific Health Benefits of Vitamin C

By the way, what are the key benefit of vitamin C? Let’s take a look at the benefits:

Increases the Absorption of Iron:

Vitamin C absorption is restricted in the intestines. Vitamin C absorption drops to less than 50% when taken in doses more than 1000 mg, according to studies. Despite the present decreased energy demand, iron requirements remain same. This indicates that every unit of energy, more iron must be absorbed. By increasing the Vitamin C content of the diet, the bioavailability of dietary iron can be improved.

A Great Way to Beat Cold and Flu Attacks

For many years, vitamin C has been researched as a viable therapy for colds or as a means to help avoid colds. However, the results have been mixed. Generally, researchers have discovered that vitamin C has little to no value in treating and preventing the flu virus.

According to an examination of 29 trials involving 11,306 contributors- Supplementing with 200 mg or more of vitamin C did not lessen the chance of acquiring a cold.

Maintain Blood Pressure

As per the medical experts from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, high dosages of vitamin C, on average 500 mg per day, reduced systolic blood pressure by roughly 4 points and diastolic blood pressure by around 1.5 points in about two months. Vitamin C has the ability to operate as a diuretic, eliminating excess fluid from the body. This might assist in lowering blood vessel pressure. Adult women should consume 75 mg of vitamin C per day, while adult men should get 90 mg.

Lessen the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke

Vitamin C supplementation has been linked to a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. These supplements may help to reduce risk of heart diseases including high LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. The study by the University of Copenhagen and Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, high vitamin C concentrations in the blood from fruit and vegetable consumption are linked to a lower risk of heart disease and early mortality.

Vitamin C Improve Immune System Function

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that supports innate and adaptive immune system cellular processes. Bryan from Transfer Factor Philippines Vitamin C strengthens the epithelial barrier against infections and increases the skin’s oxidant scavenging capacity, potentially defending against oxidative stress from the environment.

Work as a Stress Relief

Vitamin C therapy appears to promote the survival of stressed individuals by restoring the stress response. It works by removing excess cortisol from the body, which is created during periods of stress. Reduced cortisol levels in the body can lead to a reduction in stress and anxiety. As per Campbell, the research found that vitamin C lowered stress hormone concentrations in the body, as well as other physically and psychologically stress signs including weight loss, expansion of the adrenal glands, and decrease in the size of the thymus gland and spleen.

Sustainable Way to Reduce Body Fat

Body mass has an inverse relationship with vitamin C status. During moderate activity, those with appropriate vitamin C levels melt 30% more fat than people with low vitamin C levels. According to a 2005 research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vitamin C insufficiency can cause fat mass reduction to be slowed, and people who consume more vitamin C have lower BMIs.

Rich Source of Vitamin C:

What’s the Best Way to Take Vitamin C?

When you take vitamin C on an empty stomach, it absorbs in a great way. Taking your supplement first thing in the morning, 30-45 minutes before your breakfast, is excellent. If you plan to take your Vitamin C later in the day, leave enough time between meals for it to absorb properly.

How Much Vitamin C Do I Need?

As per the National Institutes of Health (NIH), following are the average daily recommended doses in milligrams (mg) for various ages:

40 mg for birth to 6 months

50 mg for infants 7–12 months, and 25 mg for children 4–8 years.

45 mg for children aged 9–13 years; 75 mg for teenagers aged 14–18 years.

65 mg for adolescent females aged 14–18 years.

90 mg for adults (men) and 75 mg for adults (women).

80 mg for pregnant teenagers

85 mg for pregnant women

115 mg for teens who are breastfeeding

120 mg for mothers who are breastfeeding

Is it Harmful to Consume Too Much Vitamin C?

Too much vitamin C can lead to:

High amounts of vitamin C may increase iron overload and harm bodily tissues in patients with hemochromatosis, a disorder in which the body stores too much iron.

When I’m Ill, Do I Need to Take Additional Vitamin C?

According to research, while you’re sick, taking nearly 200 mg of vitamin C per day can speed up your recovery and reduce the intensity of your illness. Many individuals use vitamin C pills, but doctors recommend eating vitamin C-rich foods like papaya or red bell peppers instead.

In a Nutshell

Finally, as Vitamin C is a component of collagen, it functions as an antioxidant and is necessary for immunological function as well as maintaining your skin healthy and young. For the most part, it is risk-free. If you obtain it through meals rather than pills, it will be more helpful. Individuals who take vitamin C supplements are at a higher risk of eating too much of it, which can lead to adverse effects including iron overload and kidney stones. Getting large dosages of this vitamin is usually not needed unless you have a vitamin C deficiency, which is unusual in healthy people.